Town of Wellton San Francisco Street Improvements

Construction Cost: $964,285
Project Type: Underground Utility
- Water pipes, fire hydrants, water services, and water valves
- Stormwater control, catch basins, and storm drains
- New AC, pavement, concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, handicap curb returns, and driveway entrances
Work involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement • Underground Utilities
Yuma County South Somerton Area Drainage Improvements

Construction Cost: $4.2 Million
Project Type: Underground Utility
- New catch basins, 60 storm drain manholes, and 18” to 30” diameter concrete storm drainpipe
- New sewer lift station and force main
- New concrete sidewalks, curbs, spillways, driveways, and new ABC and AC placement
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement • Underground Utilities
City of Yuma Arizona Avenue Paving, Palo Verde to Country Club Drive

Construction Cost: $1.1 Million
Project Type: Underground Utility
- New AC pavement, sidewalks, driveways, curb, gutter, and handicap ramps
- New 12” to 24” storm drain, catch basins, and storm drain manholes
- New speed tables, 3” AC over 10” ABC street section, associated signage, and striping
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement • Underground Utilities
General Motors Desert Proving Ground Active Safety Test Areas (ASTA)

Construction Cost: $4.1 Million
Project Type: Grading & Paving
- Installation of a new Active Safety Test Area (ASTA) Pad
- Installed 15,800 tons of new ABC and 6,100 tons of new AC pavement
- Guard rail installation and striping
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Gaurd Rail
City of Yuma Figueroa Avenue Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) Clean Fill Drying Beds

Construction Cost: $1.2 Million
Project Type: Grading & Paving
- Constructed 2 concrete clean-fill drying beds
- Concrete wash pad, clean fill drying beds, catch basins
- 12” diameter storm drain, 750-gallon sediment tank
- New pump station and 800 LF of 3” diameter force main discharge piping
- New 6” diameter water main with associated water valves and fire hydrants
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement
Yuma County Coyote Wash Channelization

Construction Cost: $1.5 Million
Project Type: Concrete Structure
- Grading and installing Rip Rap for erosion prevention on Coyote Wash
- New concrete box culverts
- New concrete curb, gutter, spillways, sidewalks, and handicap ramps
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement
Yuma County Antelope Palomas Road Low Flow Crossings

Construction Cost: $1.7 Million
Project Type: Concrete Structure
- Grading and placement of metal Siemen forms and rebar
- Placement of new AC pavement (5,671 SY)
- Installation of 10,786 SF of new concrete cut-off walls
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement
City of Yuma Avenue 3 ½ E Paving 32nd Street to 40th Street

Construction Cost: $2.1 Million
Project Type: Grading & Paving
- Pulverization of existing AC pavement and recycling of the existing ABC
- Placement of 2.5” AC asphalt base course and 2” AC asphalt top course (27,177 SY)
- New 6” concrete curb and gutters, and sidewalk
- Utility adjustments to survey monuments, water valves, and sanitary sewer manholes
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement
City of San Luis County 24th Street Roadway Project

Construction Cost: $2.6 Million
Project Type: Grading & Paving
- Placement of new 8’ ABC shoulders and 4” AC pavement
- New concrete sidewalk and concrete curbs
- Utility adjustments including existing water valves, air release valve manholes, and the existing sewer cleanout
- Installation of pavement markings, signing and streetlights
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement
Everhome Suites

Construction Cost: $2.0 Million
Project Type: Underground Utilities
- Demolition of existing sidewalk and vertical curb and gutter
- Earthwork including building pad over excavation, subgrade, and parkway grading
- New storm water detention and retention ponds
- Installation of storm sewer, sanitary sewer, fire water, and domestic water
- New asphaltic concrete pavement 3” AC over 8” ABC
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Underground Utilities
Sonoran Apartments Underground Utilities

Construction Cost: $1.5 Million
Project Type: Underground Utilities
- Installation of water and sewer pipe, manholes, fire hydrants, and backflow preventers
- Stormwater control including storm drains and catch basins
- Placement of concrete vertical curb, 4” sidewalk, sidewalk ramps, trash enclosure, spillway, and cut-off walls
- New 3” AC pavement over 8” ABC including 10 speed bumps
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement • Underground Utilities
City of Somerton Parkview Avenue Improvements

Construction Cost: $1.1 Million
Project Type: Underground Utilities
- Placement of new ABC and AC pavement
- New 12” and 18” diameter Class V RGRCP pipe
- New vertical curb and gutter, sidewalk, valley gutter, speed table and sidewalk ramps
- Utility adjustments including manholes and water valves
- Installation of light poles, pavement markings and signage
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement • Underground Utilities
City of Yuma Avenue C Waterline Replacement

Construction Cost: $524K
Project Type: Underground Utilities
- Replacement of existing 12-inch diameter PVC C-900 water main
- New concrete sidewalk, vertical curb and gutter
- Placement of 6,993 SF of new 6” AC pavement
- Utility adjustments including manholes and water valves
Work Involved: Demolition • Paving • Grading • Concrete Placement • Underground Utilities
Section 14 Screen and Screw Press

Construction Cost: $5.2 Million
Project Type: Underground Utilities
- Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) services
- Installation of two new screens and two new presses
- New conveyors, mechanical and electrical connections, and platforms
- Installation of a Membrane Bioreactor Tank, new sludge holding tank, HVAC, and electrical room
Work Involved: Demolition • Underground Utilities
YMIDD “A” Canal Box Culvert at Avenue 7E

Construction Cost: $2.5 Million
Project Type: Concrete Structure
- Construction of a temporary bypass channel
- New 10’ x 10’-6” double concrete box culvert (376 LF)
- Installation of new canal concrete lining (3-1/2” thick with wire mesh)
- Construction of 20’ long inlet/outlet headwall structures
Work Involved: Demolition • Grading • Concrete Placement
Desert Sands Unit No. 4